Accepting applications for certified teachers for the 2024-2025 school year.
TITLE: Teacher
QUALIFICATIONS: Meets requirements as outlined in Louisiana Bulletin 746 (Louisiana Standards of State
Certification of School Personnel)
REPORTS TO: Principal and/or his/her designee
SALARY: As designated on Teacher Salary Schedule
SUPERVISES: Non-Applicable
The teacher shall be responsible for the effective management of the class/classes and/or programs to which he/she is assigned. The teacher shall implement an educational program responsive to student needs according to the state and local policy.
- Instruction: The teacher plans and implements effective Instruction as evidenced by meeting the below requirements:
- Learning objectives and state content standards are communicated.
- Objectives and expectations are aligned to the depth and rigor of the standards; lesson content is aligned to the standards and objectives.
- Sub-objectives are aligned to the lesson’s major objective.
- Learning objectives are connected to what students have previously learned.
- Expectations for student performance are clear.
- State standards/lesson objectives are displayed.
- There is evidence that students are progressing or demonstrating mastery of the objective(s).
- The teacher organizes the content, including curriculum resources, so that it is personally meaningful and relevant to students.
- The teacher develops learning experiences where inquiry, curiosity, and exploration are valued.
- The teacher regularly reinforces and rewards effort.
- Presentation of content consistently includes:
- visuals that establish the purpose of the lesson, preview the organization of the lesson, and include internal summaries of the lesson;
- examples, illustrations, analogies, and labels for new concepts and ideas;
- modeling by the teacher to demonstrate his or her performance expectations;
- criteria that clarifies how students can be successful;
- concise communication;
- logical sequencing and segmenting;
- all essential information; and
- no irrelevant, confusing, or nonessential information.
- The lesson starts promptly.
- The lesson’s structure is coherent, based on the content, and has a beginning, middle, and end, with time for reflection to ensure student understanding.
- Pacing is appropriate and sometimes provides opportunities for students who progress at different learning rates.
- Routines for distributing materials are efficient.
- Little instructional time is lost during transitions
- Activities and materials include a majority of the following:
- Content:
- support the lesson objectives;
- elicit a variety of thinking;
- provide time for reflection;
- are relevant to students’ lives;
- Student-centered:
- sustain students’ attention;
- provide opportunities for student-to-student interaction;
- evoke student curiosity and suspense;
- provide students with choices;
- Multiple materials:
- incorporate multimedia and technology; and
- incorporate additional standards-based resources where appropriate to support individual and whole group understanding (e.g., teacher made materials, manipulatives, resources from museums, cultural centers, etc.)
- Teacher questions are varied and high-quality, providing an appropriate mix of question types based on content:
- knowledge and comprehension;
- application and analysis; and
- Questions are purposeful and coherent.
- The frequency of questions engages students in critical thinking.
- Questions are sequenced with attention to the instructional goals.
- Wait time (3-5 seconds) is provided.
- Questions require active responses (e.g., whole-class signaling, choral responses, or group and individual answers).
- The teacher calls on a variety of students to engage different students’ perspectives and provide opportunities for many students to respond.
- Oral and written feedback is academically focused, frequent, and high quality.
- Feedback is given during guided practice and review of independent work assignments.
- The teacher circulates during instructional activities to support engagement and monitor student work.
- Feedback from students is used to monitor and adjust instruction.
- The instructional grouping arrangements(whole class, small groups, pairs, or individual; heterogeneous or homogeneous ability) adequately enhance student understanding and learning efficiency.
- Teacher sets expectations that are understood by students.
- In an instructional group, students take responsibility for their roles, tasks, and group work expectations so they can have meaningful and productive collaboration.
- Students participating in groups are held accountable for group work and individual work.
- Instructional group composition is varied (e.g., race, gender, ability, and age) to accomplish the goals of the lesson.
- Instructional groups facilitate opportunities for students to set goals, reflect on, and evaluate their learning.
- Teacher displays accurate content knowledge and understanding both of state standards and instructional materials, including their curriculum, for all the subjects they teach.
- Teacher implements subject-specific instructional strategies to enhance student content knowledge.
- Teacher highlights key concepts and ideas and uses them as the basis to connect other powerful ideas.
- Teacher practices display understanding of students’ anticipated learning abilities and needs.
- Teacher practices incorporate student interests and backgrounds.
- Teacher provides differentiated instructional content and strategies to ensure students have the opportunity to master what is being taught.
- The teacher engages students in multiple types of thinking:
- analytical thinking, where students analyze, compare and contrast, and evaluate and explain information;
- practical thinking, where students use, apply, and implement what they learn in real-life scenarios;
- creative thinking, where students create, design, imagine, and suppose; and
- research-based thinking, where students explore and review a variety of ideas, models, and solutions to problems.
- The teacher and students:
- generate a variety of ideas and alternatives; and
- analyze problems from multiple perspectives and viewpoints.
- The teacher uses and/or engages students in some the following problem-solving types:
- Drawing conclusions/justifying solutions
- Observing and experimenting
- Identifying relevant/irrelevant information
- Planning: The teacher develops and implements effective lesson plans, assignments, and assessments.
- Instructional plans include:
- objectives aligned to state standards and aligned curriculum, both in content and in rigor;
- activities, materials, and assessments that:
- are aligned to state standards; content, including high quality curriculum; and success criteria;
- are sequenced and scaffolded based on student need;
- build on prior student knowledge; and
- provide appropriate time for student work and lesson closure;
- evidence that the plan is appropriate for the age, knowledge, and interests of learners; and
- evidence that the plan provides opportunities to accommodate individual student needs.
- some evidence of the internalization of the plan from the high quality curriculum
- Assignments are:
- aligned to the rigor and depth of the standards and curriculum content.
- aligned to the lesson’s objective and include descriptions of how assessment results will inform future instruction.
- Assignments require students to:
- interpret information rather than reproduce it;
- draw conclusions and support them through writing; and
- connect what they are learning to prior learning and life experiences
- Assessments:
- are aligned with the depth and rigor of the state standards and content, including curriculum resources;
- are designed to provide feedback on progress against objectives;
use a variety of question types and formats to gauge student learning and problem-solving;
- measure student performance in more than two ways (e.g., in the form of a project, experiment, presentation, essay, short answer, or multiple choice);
- require written responses as appropriate; and
- include performance checks and student reflection on performance throughout the school year.
- Environment: The teacher establishes and maintains an effective learning environment.
- Teacher engages students in learning with clear and rigorous academic expectations with aligned materials and resources for students to access.
- Teacher encourages students to learn from mistakes.
- Teacher creates learning opportunities where all students can experience success.
- Students complete their work according to teacher expectations.
- Students are mostly engaged in behaviors that optimize learning and increase time on task.
- Teacher establishes rules for learning and behavior.
- Teacher uses a variety of techniques (e.g., rewards, approval, contingent activities, consequences, etc.) that maintain student engagement and promote a positive classroom environment.
- Teacher often recognizes and motivates positive behaviors and does not allow inconsequential behavior to interrupt the lesson.
- Teacher addresses students who have caused disruptions, yet sometimes he or she addresses the entire class.
- The classroom:
- welcomes all students and guests.
- is organized to promote learning for all students.
- has supplies, equipment, and resources accessible to provide equitable opportunities for students.
- displays current student arranged to promote individual and group learning.
- Teacher-student interactions are generally positive and reflect awareness and consideration of all students’ background.
- Teacher and students exhibit respect and kindness for the teacher and each other; classroom is free of unhealthy conflict, sarcasm, and put-downs.
- Teacher is receptive to the interests and opinions of students.
- Professionalism: The teacher demonstrates professionalism by growing and developing professionally, reflecting on teaching, actively supporting school activities/events, and accepting school responsibilities.
- The educator is prompt, prepared, and participates in professional development meetings, bringing student artifacts (student work) when requested.
- The educator appropriately attempts to implement new learning in the classroom following professional learning in teacher collaboration meetings.
- The educator develops and works on a plan for new learning based on analyses of school improvement plans and new goals, self-assessment, and input from the teacher and school leader observations.
- The educator participates in self-reflection and growth by selecting specific activities, content knowledge, or pedagogical skills to enhance and improve his/her proficiency.
- The educator makes thoughtful and accurate assessments of his/her lessons' effectiveness as evidenced by the self-reflection after each observation.
- The educator offers specific actions to improve his/her teaching.
- The educator accepts responsibilities contributing to school improvement.
- The educator utilizes student achievement data to address strengths and weaknesses of students and guide instructional decisions.
- The educator supports school activities and events.
- The educator accepts leadership responsibilities and/or assists peers in contributing to a safe and orderly school environment.
- The educator adheres to system and school policies.
- The educator keeps timely and professional records.
- Other Responsibilities Include:
- Maintain good attendance
- Report to work on time and follow assigned work schedule
- Display professional ethics on and off duty
- Must be able to communicate in English both orally and in writing.
- Effectively communicate with students, parents, school personnel, and other stakeholders
- Keep accurate, up-to-date records
- Complete reports, paperwork, and other assignments accurately and in a timely manner.
- Attend meetings as directed
- Maintains confidentiality of student information
- Participate in events related to the profession including but not limited to: open house, family nights, graduation, supervising co- and extracurricular events and other types of related activities as part of job duties as assigned by his/her supervisor.
- Perform other duties as assigned by his/her supervisor.
TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: As set by the Pointe Coupee Parish School Board and applicable by law.
EVALUATION: Evaluation shall be conducted in accordance with Pointe Coupee Parish School Board Personnel
Evaluation Plan. .
Pointe Coupee Parish School Board
Teachers shall be expected to perform the following duties, along with the completion of corresponding documents, forms, and reports:
- Instructional Components
- Fulfill duties traditionally expected of those in teaching profession
- Fulfill duties listed in job description
- Write/annotate and submit lesson plans
- Collaborate with colleagues and departments
- Attend Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
- Submit one Professional Growth Plan (PGP) and two Student Learning Targets (SLTs) annually
- Refer students as needed to School Building Level Committee (SBLC)
- Complete Individualized Education Program (IEP)/504 Paperwork according to mandatory deadline (Exceptional Student Services Teacher)
- Provide accommodations for students based on IEP/504 Plan
- Maintain OnCourse Gradebook based on district grading expectations
- Maintain positive interaction with parents relative to the performance or conduct of students assigned to the teacher
- Respond to parent inquiries/communication within 24 hours of contact
- Actively participate on school committees or task forces to contribute to school improvement initiatives
- Implement educational or coaching best practices and techniques
- Meet with school administrators and/or district personnel as needed
- Supervision
- Active supervision of students when students are on or off campus at a school related/sponsored event
- Active supervision of students during assigned duty times
- Active supervision of students in the classroom
- Non-Instructional Components
- Attend meetings generally associated with the instruction of students
- Attend faculty, staff, and department meetings
- Attend parent-teacher conferences
- Attend back-to-school and open-house events
- Attend PGP, evaluation, observation, individualized academic plan (IAP), student intervention team (SIT), SBLC and student discipline meetings/hearings
- Attend school board/committee meetings, upon request
- Attend required professional development conferences
- Complete required mandatory trainings in-person and/or online
- Prepare and maintain a classroom environment conducive to learning
- Extracurricular Activities
- Attend/Participate in four (4) extracurricular events/activities per school year as requested by the principal or designee
- Extracurricular Activities Attended by Such Employees:
- Any sporting events gate/concessions
- Dual Enrollment/FAFSA Night
- Graduating senior meetings
- School-sponsored dances (homecoming, prom)